FNC Mentorship Program
Accelerate your journey through the stakes with FNC Mentorship Program provided to you by professional poker players and coaches Paul and Alexandra.
Designed to provide you with recurring feedback loops after every new topic so that you can be confident in your game every time you play.
➢ Introductory database review and private coaching session giving you instant feedback on the leaks in your game.
➢ 3-week intensive program with over 10hrs of recorded videos and 10hrs of live calls to solidify your understanding of the most important aspects of poker.
➢ Learn how to think, how to study and how to adjust.
➢ Lifelong access to the private community and to any content added in subsequent groups so that you can always stay ahead of the curve
➢ Topic related tasks to help solidify your understanding through off the table work.
➢ Conclude the course with a final database review to tweak areas that still need refining.
We're so confident in the effectiveness of our course that we're offering a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Your success is our absolute priority.
Roadmap to success
Personalised Leak Finding:
Introductory form, 1on1 session, database review, follow-up tasks reviewed by coaches.
Strong fundamentals and efficient study techniques:
In-depth understanding of GTO strategies, learn how to study yourself both theoretical concepts and exploitative deviations, mass data insights.
Adjustments vs Recreationals:
Boost your win rate by learning how to deviate vs weaker opponents, capture EV your opponents are leaving on the table, get your redline back on track.
Develop professional soft skills:
Bankroll management, strong routines, resilience.
Feedback loop:
Conclude the course with a private session to review the application of your new found expertise.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the feedback loop work?
After each topic you'll be asked to complete tasks and also participate in a live call with one of the coaches. These tasks will ensure you think deeply about and apply the studied concepts and the live calls allow you to ask further questions and receive extensive explanations.
How do the tasks work?
There will be a channel in the private Discord community designated for replying to tasks. Only the student and the coaches can see the replies. The coaches will review the task and provide an answer and further guidance.
How do live calls work?
We are going to have a follow-up call lasting 1h-1:30h for every topic we present through video. Here we can discuss the questions brought by students, we are going to look at hand histories to understand deeper how to apply the concepts etc.
How long is the program?
The program will last 3 weeks but you will have lifetime access to the private Discord and any future material added to the curriculum.
What if I can't attend 1 or more live calls?
We will record all the live calls and give you access to them. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions beforehand which can still be addressed on the live call and available for you to see after the session.
Missing more than 50% of the live calls will have an impact on the money back guarantee though.
I don't play online, is this program for me?
Yes, it's not a problem if you only play live as nearly everything is transferrable, it would however benefit both us and yourselves if you were able to play a small sample of online hands so that we could still review your playing style.
I play MTT's, is this program for me?
No, this is only for cash game players.
What if I don't have hand histories or a database?
That's ok, we can perform other methods of a review instead of a database review.
How much does the mentorship program, cost and can I speak to anyone before purchasing to ask further questions?
The price is $699. You can contact Paul (@goughy88) or Alexandra (@bixton1m) on Discord, join Discord community (https://discord.gg/ZTWQUQC43R) or email them at [email protected]
How do I secure a spot?
By purchasing here, however it is usually best to contact us first so that you know when the next program will run.
How does the money back guarantee work?
If you find that this course wasn't for you then you're entitled to a 100% money back guarantee, as long as all of the students tasks were completed and you attended over 50% of the live calls and watched the ones you did not attend.
You just have to let Paul or Alexandra know before the last live call. As far as we know this is the only guarantee we've seen in the poker training space and we are confident that engaged students will massively benefit from this course.